Living in Jersey, we were too far away to compete in gundog events. Jo introduced gundog training to the island instead, running classes and The Gundog Club graded assessments.
She also spent these years experimenting with a lot of skills (with Moye) to import into gundog training, from other dog sports - via the Fenzi Academy online courses. (We are huge Fenzi fans!)
Moye had a lot of fun, completing the Fenzi TEAM assessments right the way to TEAM 6. And she starred in the Fenzi webinars and seminars Jo ran, on force-free gundog training.
Having returned to the UK in 2023, Moye has been able to pick up on local shoots in her final few years.
KC name: Contender Covey at Galody
DOB: 23/03/14
Breed: Labrador
Sire: Contender Cassanova
Dam: Squareclose Olivia of Contender
Hips: 4/5
Elbows: 0/0
Carrier: SD2
BVA Eye Exam Clear: 07/07/18 & 04/07/15
Weight: 28kg
COI: 8.1%
In 2013, we moved from the UK mainland back to Jersey, Channel Isles - which is where Jo is from.
Wide open ground, suitable for HPR training, is in short supply in Jersey.
So along came Moye, from Contender Gundogs in Yorkshire.
Moye had two fantastic litters of puppies, which were raised with Puppy Culture and Avidog protocols. You can read more here, about how we rear puppies.
Fenzi Team Titles
03/05/20 - TEAM 6
14/06/19 - TEAM 5
31/03/19 - TEAM 4+
30/01/19 - TEAM 4
05/03/18 - TEAM 3+
23/01/18 - TEAM 3
24/10/17 - TEAM 2+
06/09/17 - TEAM 2
27/06/17 - TEAM 1+
22/06/17 - TEAM 1
Trick Dog Titles
19/02/18 - Trick Dog Champion (TDCH)
04/02/18 - Expert Trick Dog (ETD)
06/01/18 - Advanced Trick Dog (ATD)
23/12/17 - Intermediate Trick Dog (ITD)
18/12/17 - Novice Trick Dog (NTD)
Retriever drills
Moye was super-talented at all aspects of handling. Here are a couple drills:
2016: FTW Never Disarray at Wylanbriar x Contender Covey at Galody
Moye was bred to Di Stevens’ Ray at Wylanbriar Labradors. The COI was 5.9%. This litter produced 7 pups, a mix of yellow and black - since both dogs carried yellow.
Many of these pups went to competition and dog sport homes in the UK. Two stayed in Jersey.
2019: Ettinsmoor Sandman of Bellaroyal x Contender Covey at Galody
For Moye’s second litter, she was bred to Wellington at Bellaroyal Labradors. The COI was 6.9%. Moye produced 6 pups, again a mix of black and yellow.
We kept a fox red female pup from this litter and the remainder went to dog sport homes in the UK or active pet homes in Jersey.
Fyr was the pup we kept from Moye’s second litter. After much soul-searching, we decided to place her in an agility home at 6 months as it was a much better fit for her than a gundog home.